The Path to Self-Awareness: The Hero’s Journey

Is There a Set Path to Self-Awareness?

Some people retreat to an Ashram. 

Others, to a prison or rehab center.  

Still others come back from death, loss of a loved one, or illness. 

Their stories are exotic, attention-grabbing.  

But is self-discovery, revelation, or redemption only possible for them? 

Nope. Self-awareness is available to us all. You don’t have to go anywhere but deeper into yourself — with curiosity, courage, and teachers to help you along the way.

What do all of those stories have in common? 

The four parts of the Hero’s Journey.

The Hero’s Journey to Self-Awareness

Joseph Campbell popularized the hero’s journey, recognizing it as the story arc that all myths, great books and movies have in common. There are many parts to this journey, but these four are key:

1. Call to Adventure

You leave behind the self you were (forced on you or by choice).

2. Suffer Tests and Trials

You end up in the proverbial desert where you’re stripped of your ego, leaving you with a clear vision of what you have, what you’ve lost, and what you want to become.

3. Assistance and Support

Unable to go it alone, you receive gifts of support, assistance, guidance, wisdom and strength from (sometimes) unexpected sources. 

4. Hero’s Return

You re-enter your life with the gifts of insight, awareness, humility, gratitude and the skills that came from the journey. 

My Journey

My journey of transformation didn’t start in a prison, rehab, or after the loss of a loved one.  

It started when the coping skills I’d used my whole life were failing me and I was burning out.  

My relationships were in jeopardy. I was toxic to everyone around me. I was flaming out, and I didn’t even know it.  

I felt justified in my anger and contempt. Like everyone around me was doing everything wrong. I thought, if only they weren’t so difficult, ignorant, and selfish, then everything would be okay.

Turns out that attitude is a sign of burnout. I just didn’t know it at the time. Once I realized what was happening, what I was doing, it was too late. I’d lost the trust of my work associates, my co-lead, my husband, and my family. I’d hurt people close to me by showing up in toxic ways that make me shutter today.  

Feeling hopeless, I cut my losses and ran. I sold the business it’d taken 10 years to build. I walked away from my closest business associate, most of our clients, and my income.  

With no plans and no path forward, I spent the rest of the year attending retreats with names like “Yoga Retreat,” “Finding True Self,” and “Healing Guide Certification.” Slowly, I began the process of self-discovery.  

Where are you on your journey? 

The path to self-awareness is different for everyone. It’s a difficult journey, especially if you’re traveling the path alone. I learned that the hard way.

Everything changed when I learned how to ask for help. I discovered teachers who showed me how to work with my energy, channel my power beyond thoughts and feelings, let go of others’ expectations, and eventually, heal myself.

Cultivating a regular Qigong practice was pivotal on my self-awareness journey. It helped me heal from burnout and discover my inner wisdom.

Let me be a source of wisdom and strength on your journey. Come practice with me.


Understanding Burnout: A Mindful Approach to Wellbeing