85 Ways to Practice Self-Care
In our busy lives, it can be difficult to make time to cultivate emotional, mental, spiritual and physical wellbeing. We may feel disconnected with others and ourselves.
Mindfulness encourages us to be deliberate in our choices. That applies to the kinds of activities we choose for self-care and renewal too.
Next time you take time for yourself, follow this plan to get the most out of the experience:
Identify your needs. Ask yourself: Do I need to meaningfully connect with myself or with others?
Determine how to address your needs. Ask yourself: Would it feel better to change my mindset or get up and move?
Based on your answers, select the corresponding self-care quadrant below. Then scroll down to see a list of activities to choose from.
Negotiate time with yourself, family, team.
Do it!
Self-Care Activities
1. Spend Time with Yourself
Activities can include:
Create something
Eat well
Establish an alternative space at home
Exercise (moderate, vigorous, or restorative)
Feed birds
Garden (indoors/outdoors)
Give yourself a hug
Learn something new
Listen to music
Listen to podcasts
Look out the window
Make art
Plan a future endeavor
Pursue a hobby
Read a book
Set boundaries
Spend time in nature
Spend time with animals
Step outside
Take a bath
Take regular breaks
Take a dance break
Take walks
Try qigong/yoga
Try self-soothing techniques
Watch sunset/sunrise
Watch video classes
2. Deepen Your Relationship with Yourself
Activities can include:
Acknowledge/express feelings
Change self-talk
Find your higher purpose
Let go of what you can't control
Narrow your focus
Perform SET check-ins
Pick a word for the year
Practice gratitude
Practice self-compassion and self-forgiveness
Read daily inspirations
Reframe the situation
Set daily intention
Spend time in silent reflection
Step into your vulnerability
Take long-term view
Visualize success
Write down and post affirmations
3. Spend Time with Others
Activities can include:
Ask a friend for advice then listen
Create an admirer gift exchange
Do a hobby with others virtually
Form a learning group with friends/coworkers
Invest in friendships through Zoom, phone, or text
Join a recovery group online
Join an online interest group around a topic/hobby
Meet in small outdoor gatherings (if allowed)
Organize a virtual book club
Record stories of loved ones
Send cards and letters
Share the chores
Take a live, online class
Take socially-distanced walks
Volunteer virtually
4. Learn to Show Up Differently
Activities can include:
Ask a loved one to leave an encouraging voicemail
Be fully present
Create a "no drama zone"
Identify stress triggers
Let go of "shoulds"
Let go of the small stuff
Limit negativity from outside sources
Make a box of things, people, places you love
Practice compassion, forgiveness, and patience
Practice Good, Better, Best
Presume good intentions
Send love using mind and hands
Share your feelings
Start a gratitude practice
Tell yourself what you long to hear from others
Turn off devices
Self-Care is Our Specialty
FreeYourself offers pathways to peace that allow you to relax, renew, and reconnect.
We can help you help yourself. Have you ever tried qigong or moving meditation? Would you benefit from one-on-one coaching sessions or gain the support system you’ve been lacking through weekly group healing circles?
Learn more about FreeYourself services here.